Praise Him

Our practices

riverAs Christians, we are friends of all fellowships and individuals who love and honour Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as Lord. There are, however, certain things which are the distinctive hallmarks of each church.

  • We practice the baptism of believers by immersion in water as a public confession of faith and a symbolic act signifying the believer’s salvation and re-birth.
  • We gather each Sunday for worship and to Break Bread (the communion service) according to the Lord’s request and in keeping with biblical practice.
  • Our worship meetings are informal in nature, with no presiding official, but with opportunity for the exercise of all true gift in worship and for edification (or upbuilding) of the church under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • Our preaching is biblical and fundamental, exercised by men who are gifted and qualified to expound the bible.
  • We believe that each church should be self-governing or autonomous, and that leadership of the local church should not reside in the hands of one person but should be exercised collectively by a group of elders.
  • New elders are identified and appointed by the existing elders, and must subscribe to the church’s statement of faith.
  • Elders do not serve for a set term of office, but may remain as elders as long as they are capable of properly fulfilling their responsibilities and discharging their duties. They may, however, be removed from office by the other elders if their conduct is considered likely to bring the church into disrepute; if they no longer subscribe to the church’s statement of faith; or if they are no longer qualified to act as a charity Trustee.